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Clarke - Morpheus for viola and piano

Clarke - Morpheus for viola and piano

Clarke - Morpheus for viola and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Clarke - Morpheus for viola and piano on this page. Morpheus is a work for viola and piano by the English violist Rebecca Clarke. It was written in 1917 while Clarke was pursuing a performing career in America. The piece showcases an impressionistic musical language developed by Clarke based on the music of Claude Debussy. Harmony unearthly and otherworldly; name - the name of a Greek god who was especially associated with sleep and dreams.

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Viola part: Missed


Piano part: 9 pages. 1089 K


Clarke - Morpheus for viola and piano - Viola part - first page Clarke - Morpheus for viola and piano - Piano part - first page
Download PDF (14.99 €)
04 December 2020
Last Updated on 04 December 2020
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