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Elgar - Cello concerto op.85 (Viola and piano transcription)

Elgar - Cello concerto op.85 (Viola and piano transcription)

Elgar - Cello concerto op.85 (Viola and piano transcription). You can download the PDF sheet music Elgar - Cello concerto op.85 (Viola and piano transcription) on this page. When Edward Elgar addicted his famed Cello Concerto for Lionel Tertis in 1930 and conducted the violist in London's Henry Hall, it marked a critical shift in music history: endless possibilities now emerged for the viola as a solo instrument. But, thanks to the English soloist Lionel Tertis, who brought the viola to a new level of acceptance, we can see this beautiful viola arrangement. Tertis had thought of adapting the composer's last great work, the Cello Concerto, to the viola and, in 1928, he made his transcription. This viola concerto has an elegiac mood. Elgar chose the Baroque sonata di chiesa formand till the end of the finale Elgar brings back the main theme of the Adagio and the recitative that launches the opening movement.

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PDF format sheet music

Instrument part: 16 pages. 474 K


Piano part: 40 pages. 784 K


Elgar - Cello concerto op.85 (Viola and piano transcription) - Instrument part - first page Elgar - Cello concerto op.85 (Viola and piano transcription) - Piano part - first page
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01 September 2018
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