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Firtich - Sonata for viola and piano (1988)

Firtich - Sonata for viola and piano (1988)

Firtich - Sonata for viola and piano (1988). You can download the PDF sheet music Firtich - Sonata for viola and piano (1988) on this page. Firtich creativity, embodies the whole epoch. Demanding active perceptive process, Firtich's sonata for viola and piano arouses the listener's mind, making it burst into its strongest emotions. Firtich is also marked by the same way of either variety pieces or piano sonata decisions. Being popular, his viola sonata bases on public tastes and makes the listeners understand modern music most eloquent achievements at the same time.

This sonata for viola and piano was composed by Georgiy Ivanovich Firtich in 1988. As Firtich's aesthetic principles have much in common with Music Avantgarde, he masterfully constructs the most keen psychological states of mind. Music of Firtich's viola sonata is full of extraordinary, nearly magic sound and rhythmical effects. But it's not only for to deny traditions. Firtich invents new sound spheres just feeling so, sincerely considering it necessary for his individuality requirements. That's why music of Firtich's viola sonata is instantly recognized by the listeners, repassing vitality and energy to their hearts.

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PDF format sheet music

Instrument part: 12 pages. 6821 K


Piano part: 39 pages. 21129 K


Firtich - Sonata for viola and piano (1988) - Instrument part - first page Firtich - Sonata for viola and piano (1988) - Piano part - first page
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Georgiy Ivanovich Firtich, Russian composer, was born in 1938. In 1957 he graduated the Music College at St. Petersburg Conservatoire. In 1962 Firtich became the member of Soviet Composers Union. Though Firtich works almost were serious, he also writes for theatre, cinema and TV.
12 March 2019
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