Hoffmeister - Viola concerto
Hoffmeister - Concert for viola (Italian edition). You can download the PDF sheet music Hoffmeister - Concert for viola (Italian edition) on this page. Hoffmeister's D major Concerto, which was probably written in the 1780s, belongs even today to the permanent repertoire of every ambitious viola player. A very expressive solo part, full of fantasy, is contrasted with a highly coloured orchestral setting - with a surprisingly rich tone palette in the piano part. To download PDF, click the "Download PDF" button below the appropriate sheet music image. To view the first page of Hoffmeister - Concert for viola (Italian edition) click the music sheet image. |
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Viola part: 10 pages. 2902 K
Viola part (Ludewig Edition): 6 pages. 962 K |
Piano part: 30 pages. 8207 K
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The first movement is a tightly structured Allegro in sonata form, comprising three sections and an introduction from the orchestra. Since the central section, which follows the exposition and an orchestral bridge, does not display any of the character of a development, the thematic material is not so much "transformed" as presented in a new and different light. The subsequent reprise proceeds in the accustomed manner. The first movement is concluded with a free cadenza. For all its technical brilliance, of which there is no lack, the solo part comes across as organically integrated into the thematic proceedings. The central movement is conceived as a clear counterpiece to the opening movement, both in length and in musical emphasis: this D minor Adagio, with all its switches to the major, breathes elegiac sensibility. The darkly sonorous character of the viola comes into its own here, being allowed to unfold cantabile, accompanied almost entirely by the strings alone. The conclusion is formed again by a cadenza, this time corresponding to the profundity of the movement. The Allegro of the finale is everything but long-winded: a dance-like, almost Mozartian rondo theme appears four times, repeated each time by the orchestra. The special charm of this couplet lies in its echoes in the minor, which redouble the effect of the reappearance of the light-hearted major subject. Audiences of that time - not yet afflicted with excesses of acoustical stimulus - were surely able to appreciate such subtleties. It is reserved to the soloist to provide the virtuoso conclusion in brilliant passagework. |