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Kalliwoda - 6 nocturnes for viola op.186

Kalliwoda - 6 nocturnes for viola op.186

Kalliwoda - 6 nocturnes for viola op.186. You can download the PDF sheet music Kalliwoda - 6 nocturnes for viola op.186 on this page. Johann Wenzel Kalliwoda (Prague 1801 - Karlsruhe 1866)  was a violinist; he wrote several pieces for viola and other string instruments. Kalliwoda was highly regarded in his lifetime. He travelled extensively throughout Europe as a violin virtuoso, and as conductor (he was Kapellmeister to the court of Donaueschingen from 1822 until shortly before his death) he directed soloists such as Liszt, Schumann and Clara Wieck. He was considered promising as a composer, and Weber stated in 1816: «Kalliwoda hat ein entschiedenes Talent zur Instrume'ntalkomposition». Schumann and Mendelsohn also praised him. However, the «routinierte Vielschreiberei» for which he was later critisized (243 opus numbers, 44 compositions without opus number, and 170 unpublished works) probably contributed to his gradual decline into obscurity from about 1850. These nocturnes for viola op.186 certainly represents his better works, and as such has become a part of every violist's repertory.

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Instrument part: 10 pages. 2892 K


Piano part: 29 pages. 2247 K


Kalliwoda - 6 nocturnes for viola op.186 - Instrument part - first page Kalliwoda - 6 nocturnes for viola op.186 - Piano part - first page
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06 September 2017
Last Updated on 06 September 2017
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