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Kodaly - Adagio for viola and piano

Kodaly - Adagio for viola and piano

Kodaly - Adagio for viola and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Kodaly - Adagio for viola and piano on this page. This early Kodaly's romantic work , the Adagio was written after Kodály had completed his studies. The opening theme of this piece brims with a quiet intensity, and the expressive intervallic leaps within the melodic line evoke a sense of yearning. This phrase is followed by a lilting melody with a gently syncopated accompaniment and quirky embellishments reminiscent of songs from the gypsy tradition. The movement builds to an impassioned climax before drawing to a melancholic close.

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Instrument part: 2 pages. 1217 K


Piano part: 10 pages. 1418 K


Kodaly - Adagio for viola and piano - Instrument part - first page Kodaly - Adagio for viola and piano - Piano part - first page
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Following graduation from the Budapest Academy in 1904 Kodály was steeped in the influence of the romantic German style in vogue. He spent the next few years, however, rediscovering his musical roots and in 1905 took the first of many field trips to collect folk-songs with Béla Bartók. This interest would culminate in the publication of over 100,000 of these traditional songs in 1913.
06 October 2017
Last Updated on 06 October 2017
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