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Kurtag - Movement for viola and piano

Kurtag - Movement for viola and piano

Kurtag - Movement for viola and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Kurtag - Movement for viola and piano on this page. Kurtag's Movement for viola and orchestra is the first of the two movements of his Viola Concerto, and a piece he has come to prefer should be heard alone - seems to be telling much the same story of a soloist beset by a largely unfeeling ensemble, with secondary soloists who are willing to leave the crowd and voice their sympathy.

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Viola part: 5 pages. 1158 K


Piano part: 18 pages. 3451 K


Kurtag - Movement for viola and piano - Viola part - first page Kurtag - Movement for viola and piano - Piano part - first page
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The orchestra, in its initial statement,prepares for an imposing occasion: Kurtag has suggested that behind it lie the examples of Brahms's First Symphony, of Haydn's symphonies and of Bartok's Violin Concerto (the one Primrose heard Menuhin play) and Concerto for Orchestra, with the prominent tritone a deliberately Bartokian feature. But when the viola enters, it seems to be wanting something quieter and gentler, and it soon finds within the prevailing 6/8 and 9/8 time signatures occasions for a wistful waltz song. This is one of the most personal moments in the score, along with some beautiful later passages where the strings are divided and, not least, the closing gesture, where the viola quietly and simply asserts itself, with a nod. The piece - "a romantical ballad" Kurtag has called it - is one of his rare longer movements, unequalled for length in his output until What is the Word, three and a half decades later. But while it is, certainly, impressive in its continuity, it seems to be trying to leave us with single gestures - whether forceful or lyrical, dramatic or nostalgic - such as the composer has gone on creating in the many fragments of his maturity. This is music that, in defiance of a Serly, appears to be pulling itself apart.
26 February 2022
Last Updated on 26 February 2022
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