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Laskovsky - Nocturne

Laskovsky - Nocturne. You can download the PDF sheet music Laskovsky - Nocturne on this page. Emotional and delightful viola opus of familiar virtuoso - is a exclusive opus of composition for classical viola. Laskovsky 's work daze the listeners by interesting spirit of soloist and grand piano cadences plus author's intonations. This viola opus impress the string player by articulated and lively melodic technic of viola sound and many other custom tricks.

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PDF format sheet music

Viola part: 2 pages. 384 K


Piano part: 6 pages. 1191 K


Viola part - First page Piano part - First page
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I.Laskovsky (1799-1855) was an officer in the Russian army and later a St Petersburg-based civil-servant. His earliest-known piano pieces were published in the journal La Harpe du Nord in 1823 and 1825. These included the Mazurka and Waltz in this recording. However, the majority of Laskovsky's hundred or more known piano pieces were composed in the 1830s and 1840s and were later collected by Balakirev and published three years after the composer's death. Many of these use Chopin's music as a model; indeed, we know that Laskovsky was a devotee of Chopin, regularly performing his music in St Petersburg salons.
Last Updated on 28 March 2019
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