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Ledenyov - Concerto-poem for viola and piano

Ledenyov - Concerto-poem for viola and piano

Ledenyov - Concerto-poem for viola and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Ledenyov - Concerto-poem for viola and piano on this page. This concerto-poem for viola is connected with impressions of the avant-garde circle of sounds. But composer does not become an adherent of new techniques; such well-known compositions of his reveal full freedom and emancipation of thinking. The desire for the truth of one’s own worldview, for the naturalness of self-expression returns composer to the traditional principles. Ledenyov has remained faithful to them for several decades. This fidelity is palpable in his wonderful concerto-poem for viola and piano. It is important at the same time that he always strives to transform the traditional foundation through his unique intonation highlight. The author himself speaks best of all about his position: ... the main thing in the work is the music theme, which is intonationally vivid and capacious: melodic constructions, seriousness, continuity of intonation are the most valuable characteristics of music. This statement also applies to this viola composition.

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Viola part: 4 pages. 921 K


Piano part: 14 pages. 2952 K


Ledenyov - Concerto-poem for viola and piano - Viola part - first page Ledenyov - Concerto-poem for viola and piano - Piano part - first page
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Roman Semenovich Ledenev is an outstanding Russian composer, one of the important composers in the art of modern Russia. He entered our artistic life at the end of the 50s of the last century and to this day is one of those creators, each premiere of which becomes an event moment in the living history of art.
Composer Roman Ledenev was born in Moscow on December 4, 1930, first studied at a special music school at the Moscow Conservatory. His teachers were V. Shebalin, N. Rakov, and A. Alexandrov. He is a true Muscovite not only because of his membership in the Moscow composer school and not only because of life circumstances. The closed Moscow “aura” is completely alien to him. He professes a special feeling of Moscow, which he thinks inseparably from the great spaces of Russia, an inseparable part of these spaces. In this sense, he is not Moscow, he is just a Russian composer.
26 August 2019
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