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Lyadov - Prelude op.57 N1 for viola and piano

Lyadov - Prelude op.57 N1 for viola and piano

Lyadov - Prelude op.57 N1 for viola and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Lyadov - Prelude op.57 N1 for viola and piano on this page. A. Lyadov was a talented pianist and during the course of his life he wrote a number of piano pieces. Short pieces of this kind suited his talent and his inclinations very well, since here, with limited exertion, he was able to show his mastery of form and expression in miniature. Prelude op.57 N1 is the one of these master piano pieces. Viola transcription was made by E.Strahov.

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Instrument part: 1 pages. 462 K


Piano part: 3 pages. 1733 K


Lyadov - Prelude op.57 N1 for viola and piano - Instrument part - first page Lyadov - Prelude op.57 N1 for viola and piano - Piano part - first page
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Anatol Konstantinovich Liadov was born into a musical family. His grandfather had been a musician and his father was, for eighteen years, until 1868, conductor at the Maryinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, where his son was born in 1855. Liadov learned music first from his father but was to benefit from the initiative of the Rubinsteins, entering the St. Petersburg Conservatory in 1870. His early studies in piano and violin were soon replaced by lessons in counterpoint from Johannsen and in composition from Rimsky-Korsakov, although the latter were cut short when he was expelled from the class for unexcused absences.
28 March 2019
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