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Lyatoshinsky - 2 pieces for viola op.65

Lyatoshinsky - 2 pieces for viola op.65

Lyatoshinsky - 2 pieces for viola op.65. You can download the PDF sheet music Lyatoshinsky - 2 pieces for viola op.65 on this page. Boris Mykolayovych Lyatoshinsky or Lyatoshynsky was a Soviet composer, conductor, teacher. Lyatoshinsky wrote a variety of works, including five symphonies, symphonic poems, and several shorter orchestral and vocal works, two operas, chamber music, and a number of works for solo piano. His musical style later developed in a direction favored by Shostakovich, which caused significant problems with Soviet critics of the time, and as a result Lyatoshynsky was accused (together with Prokofiev and Shostakovich) of formalism and creation of degenerative art.

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Instrument part: 3 pages. 3822 K


Piano part: 9 pages. 12904 K


Lyatoshinsky - 2 pieces for viola op.65 - Instrument part - first page Lyatoshinsky - 2 pieces for viola op.65 - Piano part - first page
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11 November 2016
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