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Moncayo - Viola sonata

Moncayo - Viola sonata

Moncayo - Viola sonata. You can download the PDF sheet music Moncayo - Viola sonata on this page. This music of Mexico may be compared to its many baroque cathedrals and churches. Plans and elevations were Spanish in design, but the construction itself was the work of the natives and they left their stamp on every element of the buildings. So with folk and popular music, the framework is mainly Spanish in tonality and mode, and in the structure of its melody, harmony, and meter; but the melodic inflection and ornamentation and the rhythmic combinations show definite Indian influence. Moncayo's viola sonata is a product of the younger generation of composers, all striving to express the spirit of the early Mexican people.

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Viola part: 9 pages. 4813 K


Piano part: 34 pages. 1757 K


Moncayo - Viola sonata - Viola part - first page Moncayo - Viola sonata - Piano part - first page
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José Pablo Moncayo García was born in Guadalajara. Jalisco, on June 29, 1912. His parents were Francisco Moncayo Casillas and Juana García López; later they moved to Mexico City; here José Hablo, carried out musical studies with Eduardo Hernández Moneada who make him a sensitive pianist. He left a large number of works that, due to their technical quality, have placed him in a prominent place in the history of Mexican music.
21 November 2020
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