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Muller Hans - Sonata for viola solo op.25 N5

Muller Hans - Sonata for viola solo op.25 N5

Muller Hans - Sonata for viola solo op.25 N5. You can download the PDF sheet music Muller Hans - Sonata for viola solo op.25 N5 on this page. This small sonata op.25 N5 for solo viola was written by Hans Müller, an Austrian composer. This sonata has an unusual structure - it has six parts instead of traditional four. The duration of the composition with a normal performance is about 10 minutes.

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Viola part: 6 pages. 1290 K



Muller Hans - Sonata for viola solo op.25 N5 - Viola part - first page
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Müller, Hans Herbert was an Austrian composer of the 20th century, music teacher and writer. Born April 4, 1926 in Vienna. He studied the violin at the Vienna Academy of Music with O. Steinbauer. From 1951 to 1960 he studied twelve-tone serial musical technique with O. Steinbauer and in 1958-65 he worked at the Vienna University of Musicology and Art History (he received his doctorate in 1965). Initially, he was a teacher in compulsory and secondary schools, in 1971-1985 he was a professor at the Pedagogical Academy of the Archdiocese of Vienna. From 1967 he also worked as a music critic for the Viennese newspapers (Volksblatt, Kurier, Die Furche) and from 1967 was a music and literary columnist for the Wiener Zeitung for more than 30 years. As a composer, he wrote works of dodecaphonic tonal series (twelve-tone technique) in the style of his teacher Steinbauer, from the mid-1960s he composed atonal-chromatic ones with the free use of twelve-tone series. His compositions include Church Music (including a Mass for string quartet); works for orchestra, for choir and orchestra; cantatas ("Iphigenia"; "On the basis of the world and the path of the world"); chamber music (string quartets; sonatas, including viola).
23 April 2023
Last Updated on 23 April 2023
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