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Rachmaninov - Serenade for viola and piano

Rachmaninov - Serenade for viola and piano op.3 N5 You can download the PDF sheet music Rachmaninov - Serenade for viola and piano on this page. The main part of Serenade N5 in B flat minor from "Cinq morceaux de fantasie" op.3. takes waltz tempo in 3/8 beats. Viola sound that seems to be an imitation of Guitar's playing style makes you feel like a serenade. Although Sergei Rachmaninov composed his Morceaux de fantaisie in 1892, on the cusp of the 20th century, much of the work stands in the traditions established by both Field and Liszt. Rachmaninov, in fact, heard and learned from all the major musicians of his day. The Opus 3 Morceaux date from the end of his student years, from the beginning of his professional career. The last piece of the set - Serenade - is a waltz that is full of Spanish flavor 一 Liszt had earlier mined this nationalistic, and at the time exotic, vein, as had Glinka. Viola transcription was made by A. Bagrintzev.

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Instrument part: 2 pages. 1075 K


Piano part: 7 pages. 3833 K


Rachmaninov - Serenade for viola and piano - Instrument part - first page Rachmaninov - Serenade for viola and piano - Piano part - first page
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28 June 2011
Last Updated on 28 March 2019
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