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Tartini - Viola concerto D-dur

Tartini - Viola concerto D-dur

Tartini - Viola concerto D-dur. You can download the PDF sheet music Tartini - Viola concerto D-dur on this page. Giuseppe Tartini wrote his D-dur concerto initially for gamba and orchestra. Later, the concert was re-arranged for cello. Here you can find an arrangement for viola and piano by Maurice Vieux. The concert was written during Tartini's stay in Prague and was intended for the Czech gambists who were there. At this time in Italy, gamba had almost no use for itself. The genre of the concert was not typical for this instrument, the expressive means of the gamba were small. The slight use of double notes and chords, as well as the absence of an alto clef, suggests that Tartini was assumes this concert for cello performance. In any case, Tartini's gamba concert can be viewed as an accidental episode in his work.

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Viola part: 8 pages. 1968 K


Piano part: 18 pages. 3654 K


Tartini - Viola concerto D-dur - Viola part - first page Tartini - Viola concerto D-dur - Piano part - first page
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Unlike most of Tartini's concerts, this concert begins with an extended slow movement (Largo), followed by Allegro, Grave and the final Allegro. Although Largo can be seen as a detailed introduction to the first Allegro, we have before us a four-part cycle, unusual for Tartini.
The music of the concert, due to its artistic merit, also attracts all modern cellists. This is especially true of the "lyrical center" of the concert - Grave, which is distinguished by exceptional depth and soulfulness. This part can be performed as an independent piece of art; by the way, there is a recording of it in the inspired and noble interpretation of Pablo Casals, who composed his little cadenza for this part.
The fast parts of the concert are virtuoso; cadenzas give them a concert character at the end of each movement.
27 October 2021
Last Updated on 27 October 2021
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