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Walton - Viola concerto

Walton - Concert for viola. You can download the PDF sheet music Walton - Viola concerto on this page. Strahov's viola part edition. The concerto was suggested by Beecham and was intended for Lionel Tertis (1876-1975), the great English viola player whose one-man campaign to build a solo repertory for the viola commanded widespread admiration. It was composed mostly in Amalfi. By February 1929 Walton had completed two movements and was working on the finale.  The progress of the first movement is twice interrupted by faster dramatic outbursts. The scherzo flashes by, witty and epigrammatic, leaving the finale as the most substantial movement. Developing from the bassoons' hesitant initial theme, it builds to a fugal climax for the orchestra after which the soloist recapitulates the first movement's amorous principal subject with the finale's main theme as accompaniment. It is one of the most beautiful passages in all Walton's music.

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Viola part: 16 pages. 3133 K


Piano part: 40 pages. 14126 K


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The concerto is dedicated 'to Christabel' and probably records feelings engendered by Walton's unrequited passion for Christabel. Lady Aberconway, who remained a lifelong friend. But there is no need to know this to appreciate the lyrical melancholy and poetic longing at the heart of the music. Although Elgar himself disliked the work when he heard it at a Three Choirs Festival, it is nonetheless Elgar's Cello Concerto which is constantly recalled by the ways in which the solo instrument is allowed to achieve prominence. Walton, like Elgar, begins with a ruminative slow movement. The hallmarks of the composer's style can be identified: wide intervals, looping arabesques, and added-note minor-major diatonic harmony together with irregular and syncopated rhythmic patterns.
Last Updated on 19 August 2017
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