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Albinoni - Adagio g-moll for violin and piano

Albinoni - Adagio g minor for violin and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Albinoni - Adagio for violin and piano on this page. Albinoni's most renowned work, Adagio for organ and strings in G-moll, was discovered in 1948 by Italian musicologist and critic, Remo Giazotto. Albinoni's Adagio's immense success owes much to its simple yet exquisite melody, allied to its broad noble phrasing. His other, lesser known, Adagios are every bit as charming and the violinist can anticipate a joyful voyage of discovery.
Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni was born in Venice in 1671. He composed over 40 operas, as well as many cantatas, sonatas and orchestral works. All of his works bear the hallmark of a skilled musical craftsman. Albinoni was also a violinist and a vocalist. J.S.Bach composed four keyboard fugues based on Albinoni's Op 1 sonatas.

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Instrument part: 2 pages. 1170 K


Piano part: 8 pages. 258 K


Albinoni - Adagio for violin and piano - Instrument part - first page Albinoni - Adagio for violin and piano - Piano part - first page
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