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Arapov - Violin sonata

Arapov - Violin sonata. You can download the PDF sheet music Arapov - Violin sonata on this page. Oriental images and themes have always fascinated B.A.Arapov. This passion for the Orient is also denoted in the musical coloration skills of the composer, and, also, in this violin sonata. Even on the boarder of the 1980 - 1990 Arapov - the coeval of Dmitri Shostakovich was left faithful to that pathetic spirit of novelty peculiar for that dazzling galaxy of avant-garde composers having appeared during the 20 - 30. Meanwhile Arapov's own music is distinct for insightfulness nourished by the long-lasting musical history along millennial music history and multimillenial literary tradition in Europe.

Arapov's common experience is one and the same with the personal comprehension - ever new and ever insightful perception of the world and its events. This is used to be. The sung wisdom and light are as inseparable from the ephemeral struggle with the evil as the soul in the earthly existence is indivisible with the body. These are the aesthetic behests left by Boris Arapov in his last compositions.
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Instrument part: 16 pages. 911 K


Piano part: 36 pages. 1758 K


Arapov - Violin sonata - Instrument part - first page Arapov - Violin sonata - Piano part - first page
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Boris Alexandrovich Arapov (1905-1992) - the distinguished Russian composer and teacher having fostered several generations of composers. Among his disciples are such personalities as Gennady Ban-shchikov, Leonid Desyatnikov, Alexander Knaifel, Sergei Slonimsky. Since 1930 his activity was tightly welded with the Leningrad (Petersburg) Conservatoire (given the professor title in 1940), where in 1974 he became the head of the composition faculty working there self-lessly up to the last breath. B.A. Arapov's success as a teacher is natural, his achievements being well-grounded on his enormous personal experience as a composer. Boris Arapov's creative longevity is amazing: he wrote till his very last days.
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