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Arensky - Violin concerto Op.54 (1891)

Arensky - Violin concerto Op.54 (1891). You can download the PDF sheet music Arensky - Violin concerto Op.54 (1891) on this page. Arensky was one of the most eclectic of all the Russian composers of his generation, meaning that out of all the musical forms and currents of his time he took what suited and pleased him the most. It is no wonder that his only Violin Concerto op.54 (1891) has many character traits in common with Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto from thirteen years before, given the great influence that Tchaikovsky had on him as a composer. This concerto has remained practically unknown is due to the fact that it was only published for the first time in Moscow in 1949 and that before that time it was practically unknown in the West. Despite the compelling melodic lines that recall Tchaikovsky and its fine orchestration, the soloist also has to make use of his complete technical armoury, creating thus yet another similarity between the work and its example. The three movements of the concerto are linked without a pause.

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Instrument part: 15 pages. 1152 K


Piano part: 31 pages. 2612 K


Arensky - Violin concerto Op.54 (1891) - Instrument part - first page Arensky - Violin concerto Op.54 (1891) - Piano part - first page
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