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Babajanyan - Violin concerto a-moll

Babajanyan - Violin concerto a-moll. You can download the PDF sheet music Babajanyan - Violin concerto a-moll on this page. This elegant wonderful opus by the talented maestro - is still the distinctive masterwork of repertoire for classical violin. Like most Soviet composers Arno Babajanian did not choose between academic and pop trends. He worked in both of them, without squeamishness for light music or weariness from the serious one. It is all the more striking to hear his academic works. To begin with, the stylistic distance between the works in the two genres is immense. Secondly, Babajanian's academic music is not in any way inferior to his popular works in its neatness and masterful precision.

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Instrument part: 22 pages. 555 K


Piano part: 80 pages. 14609 K


Babajanyan - Violin concerto a-moll - Instrument part - first page Babajanyan - Violin concerto a-moll - Piano part - first page
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