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Bacewicz - Youth partita for violin and piano

Bacewicz - Youth partita for violin and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Bacewicz - Youth partita for violin and piano on this page. Grazyna Bacewicz's works for violin and piano reflect perhaps the most intimately her ardent search to express music itself. She viewed composing not as a transmission of imagined sounds or inspiration onto paper. This intensity of her attitude to art is felt at all times in her works. Although she wrote her first violin sonatas respectively in 1929 and 1932, it was only the First Sonata for solo violin written in 1941, which she considered to be her very first work in the genre. Her youthful works for violin and piano were far more numerous, which testifies to the fact that this was her natural mode of expression. Among others are two Partitas for violin and piano.

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Violin part: 7 pages. 819 K

Piano part: 20 pages. 2274 K

Bacewicz - Youth partita for violin and piano - Violin part - first page Bacewicz - Youth partita for violin and piano - Piano part - first page
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