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Bach - Violin Concerto N1 a-moll

Bach - Violin Concerto N1 a-moll - for violin and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Bach - Violin Concerto N1 a-moll - for violin and piano on this page.

  1. Allegro
  2. Andante
  3. Allegro Assai

The A-Minor Concerto opens with a playful melody, aerated with well-calculated pauses. In this movement, the solo violin is also  moving through a rather conventional series of sequential passages with enviable bounce and aplomb. The Andante is an oslinato piece. The ground bass constantly returns to its thrice-repeated low C, giving it an earthbound quality in contrast to the floating solo violin. The final gigue has a French grace about its endlessly spun-out triplets. The soloist is given real opportunities here in whirling-dervish speedups of the basic rhythm.

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Instrument part: 9 pages. 626 K


Piano part: 25 pages. 697 K


Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page
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In Bach's violin concerto in A minor, well known and frequently played, the Italian influence can be felt in different ways: For example, the introductory orchestral tutti is in two sections in the style of Vivaldi, so that the first bars stand out clearly by reason of tonal steps and rhythm and are recognizable later in the tutti repeats, while in the bars that follow the thematic treatment steps into the background and becomes the basis of the solistic development. Another feature can be found in the rhythm of the last movement of the A minor concerto, a courante (a dance rhythm of French origin in triple time), in which the closely related Italian saltarello can be heard.
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