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Bach - Sonatas and Partitas for violin solo

Bach - Sonatas and Partitas for violin solo. You can download the PDF sheet music Bach - Sonatas and Partitas for violin solo on this page. In this work Bach combined foreign and native traditions in such a magisterial way that the result was a type of composition at once new, unique, and unrepeatable. The four-movement sonatas are constructed in accordance with the model of the Italian church sonata (slow - fast - slow - fast). The introductory movements are prelude-like in character. The solemnly affective style, frequently adorned by arabesques, ranges from gestural monodic writing to austere polyphony and massive chords. The strict logic of the subsequent fugues sometimes seems to overtax the capabilities of the instrument. For a long time, of course, it was forgotten that Bach's contemporaries did not play on violins built in the modern way, but on instruments by Stainer, Amati, or Stradivari. The looser tension of their bow-hairs permitted faithful reproduction of polyphonic writing, even if at the cost of strength and power of tone. And a further feature which present-day performers find by no means unambiguous is the frequent requirement to perform arpeggios which Bach notated only as chords, leaving to the performer's taste and sense of style the decision as to how they should be spread.

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Instrument part: 50 pages. 26627 K



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Sonata No. 1 BWV 1001 in G minor - g-moll - en sol
  1. Adagio
  2. Fuga (Allegro)
  3. Siciliana
  4. Presto

Partita No. 1 BWV 1002 in B minor - h-moll - en si
  1. Allemanda - Double
  2. Corrente - Double (Presto)
  3. Sarabande - Double
  4. Tempo di Borea - Double

Sonata No. 2 BWV 1003 in A minor - a-moll • en la
  1. Grave
  2. Fuga
  3. Andante
  4. Allegro

Partita No. 2 BWV 1004 in D minor - d-moll - en ré
  1. Allemanda
  2. Corrente
  3. Sarabanda
  4. Giga
  5. Ciaccona

Sonata No. 3 BWV 1005 in C • C-dur • en Ut
  1. Adagio
  2. Fuga
  3. Largo
  4. Allegro assai

Partita No. 3 BWV 1006 in E ' E-dur - en Mi
  1. Preludio
  2. Loure
  3. Gavotte en rondeau
  4. Menuet I II
  5. Bourrée
  6. Gigue
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