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Bartok - 10 child pieces for violin

Bartok - 10 child pieces for violin. You can download the PDF sheet music Bartok - 10 child pieces for violin on this page. While Schônberg, accepting the personal consequences of his abandonment of tonality, elevated the compositional method based on twelve chromatic tones related to themselves and to themselves only to an absolute principle, Bartok went on to develop his compositional style , as in this 10 child pieces for violin, on the basis of a chromatically enriched, polymodally extended tonality incorporating shifting scale models from folk melodies. Bartok's constant reference to Southeastern European peasant music was overlooked by the Western avant-garde.

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Instrument part: 4 pages. 366 K


Piano part: 11 pages. 949 K


Bartok - 10 child pieces for violin - Instrument part - First page Bartok - 10 child pieces for violin - Piano part - First page
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