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Bartok - Violin concerto N1

Bartok - Violin concerto N1. You can download the PDF sheet music Bartok - Violin concerto N1 on this page. The First Violin Concerto, composed by Bartok in 1907, is very positive. In this concerto, there are "weaknesses, but also no contradictions" with the composer who came under the modernist banner. Bartok composed the First Violin Concerto while infatuated with the violinist Stefi Geyer. He designed the work as a portrait of her, with the "Stefi theme" of rising thirds, with which the solo violin opens the concerto, dominating the first movement and the faster, more extrovert second built upon a related but more jagged descending idea. Bartok originally planned a three-movement work, but eventually settled for a less conventional two-movement fantasy. A week after he finished the concerto, however, Geyer ended their relationship and refused to take up the work composed for her. When he could find no other violinist willing to play it either, Bartok recast its first movement as one of his Two Portraits for orchestra, composed immediately afterwards, and the First Violin Concerto itself remained unperformed until after Geyer's death in 1957. She bequeathed her copy of the manuscript to the Swiss conductor and musical philanthropist Paul Sacher, who conducted the premiere the next year.

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Instrument part: 8 pages. 1666 K


Piano part: 24 pages. 1996 K


Bartok - Violin concerto N1 - Instrument part - first page Bartok - Violin concerto N1 - Piano part - first page
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