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Bartok - Violin sonata N2

Bartok - Violin sonata N2. You can download the PDF sheet music Bartok - Violin sonata N2 on this page. In the Violin Sonata No. 2 the third-movement design of the Western sonata yields to the two-movement structure of the Eastern tradition. This work mirrors the rhapsodic form of popular courtship dance music with the emotional declamation of a slow Introduction and a czardas-like dance movement such as Bartok had known from his youth. While the Idea of the motivic motto as a musical sign of the same inner state also continues to make itself felt in the second sonata, its presence is no longer limited to designated stations in the sonata-form sequence. Instead it takes on a role spanning the whole design range of the sonata. Bartók's second violin sonata - he himself preferred it to the first sonata - marked the close of his expressionistic phase and a step forward to the works that followed it.

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Piano part: 33 pages. 42182 K


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Comparing Bartok's two sonatas, we can see, that the first sonata begins with an agitation and excitement, but the violin theme opening the Molto moderato movement in the second sonata has more of a meditative character and is based on a Rumanian pastoral melody. The secondary subject  is followed by the development section (No. 9) and a recapitulation variant forming a link to the dance finale. One idea here refers back to the first sonata and to the middle section of its slow movement. In the first sonata an F sharp piano pedal point alternates with a remote, c repeating tone of the violin. At the beginning of the second sonata, the same pedal point bears the e of the repeating violin, a tone that gradually calms down. The sequence of harsh Hungarian deep sighs of shifting direction is also reflected in the figural contour of the soft intonation of the Rumanian tune. On the other hand, the sharply syncopated elements from the Hungarian motif sequence appear in the manner of a passing association in the secondary thematic complex in the second sonata. The last movement opens once again with a pizzicato violin theme inspired by Rumanian folk music. It is also of a similar melodic contour and announces the beginning of the recapitulation. When the motto theme is heard again in a tender flageolet just prior to the recapitulation  and two more times in contrast versions in immediate sequence at the end of the movement, then these »bridging piers« of a arch spanning the work as a whole may be seen as exponents of a through-com-posed sonata. The piano also offers its contrasts during the long series of various dance themes: lontano and pesante. A scherzando scene is inserted in a manner analogous to the first sonata and brings about a figural approximation between the piano and violin parts.
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