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Beethoven - Violin sonata N.7 c-moll

Beethoven - Violin sonata N.7. You can download the PDF sheet music Beethoven - Violin sonata N.7 on this page. Violin Sonata No.7 in C minor • ut mineur • c-Moll, op.30 no.2
  1. Allegro con brio
  2. Adagio cantabile
  3. Scherzo: Allegro
  4. Finale: Allegro

Opus 30 no.2 in C minor is the largest and most serious of the set. Not only are its movements on the whole more extensive individually than those of its companions, it joins opus 24 and opus 96 as the only three among the ten violin sonatas to be in four movements.

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Instrument part: 10 pages. 1312 K


Piano part: 29 pages. 3468 K


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Its questing, mysterious nature is posited right at the beginning of the Allegro con brio, by piano alone (a feature that recurs n each movement); the second subject is a march, and there are enough militaristic rumblings to give some justification to Cobbett's opinion that the work depicts a battle. The Adagio cantabile is in the key of A fiat, in which the violin's tone is bound to sound veiled - an effect that Beethoven surely took into account when deciding against the G major that he had earlier considered. It is a movement of great poise and beauty, though with stormier passages too. The Scherzo (Allegro, C major) is a severe little movement, with canonic writing in the trio. The Finale (Allegro) formally reveals features of sonata and rondo form; it ends with a Presto coda uncompromisingly in the minor, though earlier the dynamically varied treatment of the deceptively simple main theme had taken us into a clear C major. It is one of Beethoven's finest finales to date.
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