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Breville - VIolin sonata in cis moll

Breville - VIolin sonata in cis moll. You can download the PDF sheet music Breville - VIolin sonata in cis moll on this page. Pierre de Bréville was a French composer. Although de Bréville was not prolific, he lavished attention to his own compositions, producing several highly original works remembered for their quality. His earlier mélodies seem rather heavily Wagnerian, but the later songs show a fastidious choice of text and an increasingly individual and transparent musical style.

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Instrument part: 14 pages. 769 K


Piano part: 58 pages. 3725 K


Breville - VIolin sonata in cis moll - Instrument part - first page Breville - VIolin sonata in cis moll - Piano part - first page
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Bréville was a surprisingly prolific composer, with some 105 songs to his credit, only 23 of which were unpublished. The most important songs are to be found in two recueils which were issued by Rouart Lerolle in 1913 and 1914. Bréville was a pupil of Franck, though there are signs that Fauré and Debussy had places in his pantheon. This quality is typical of the generation of musicians who were able to benefit from the musical influences of both the Schola Cantorum and the Conservatoire. It is hardly surprising that Brévilles music often brings that of Ernest Chausson to mind, a composer who had studied with both Franck and Massenet. Brévilles main weakness is a lack of true feeling for the sensuality of the voice which he sometimes treats as just another orchestral instrument; thus it is no surprise to find that he has written a set entitled quatre sonatines vocales.
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