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Britten - Violin concerto and orchestra op.15

Britten - Violin concerto and orchestra op.15. You can download the PDF sheet music Britten - Violin concerto and orchestra op.15 on this page. Britten's Violin Concerto was begun in November 1938. This work too has connections with Antonio Brosa, the performer of his Suite for violin and piano. After the opening rhythm, the violin introduces a sinuous chromatic melody which is accompanied by the drum motif, now scored for violin and piano. The second subject, also introduced by the violinist, is a tougher affair. In the recapitulation, Britten omits the second subject and the soloist plays the drum-motif above the first subject on the orchestral strings.  Britten's scherzo is a dance with death of a grimmer kind, the soloist executing brilliant and grotesque feats of virtuosity. The A minor trio section relaxes the tension and returns to the scherzo by way of a curious transition when two piccolos supply a staccato ostinato over string tremolandi to the tuba's version of the main theme. A cadenza links scherzo and finale; the latter marks Britten's first use of the passacaglia form in which some of his finest music was to be written. The soloist recalls the main theme of the first movement while the trombones, making their first entry, play the subject of the passacaglia. Nine variations follow, each scored with characteristic use of tone-colour. The concerto ends in a modal D major, with the solo violin repeating an elegiac phrase as if mourning an irreparable loss.

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Instrument part: 20 pages. 597 K


Piano part: 53 pages. 1484 K


Britten - Violin concerto and orchestra op.15 - Instrument part - First page Britten - Violin concerto and orchestra op.15 - Piano part - First page
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