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Enescu - Impressions d enfance op.28 for violin

Enescu - Impressions d enfance op.28 for violin. You can download the PDF sheet music Enescu - Impressions d enfance op.28 for violin on this page. Enescu spent the Second World War, like the First, in his native land. His musical life was necessarily constrained by wartime conditions, but the highlights of these years included a series of concerts and recordings in Bucharest with his godson, Dinu Lipatti. Also during these years Enescu wrote some of his finest chamber works, including the Impressions d'enfance for violin and piano.

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Instrument part: 10 pages. 1707 K


Piano part: 28 pages. 4936 K


Enescu - Impressions d enfance op.28 for violin - Instrument part - first page Enescu - Impressions d enfance op.28 for violin - Piano part - first page
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