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Eshpai - Violin sonata N1

Eshpai - Violin sonata N1. You can download the PDF sheet music Eshpai - Violin sonata N1 on this page. This violin sonata was written by Andrew Eshpai in 1966. First of all, it should be noted its bright originality. Andrei Eshpay - is a lyric poet by the nature of his talent; deep emotionality, warmth of heart are characteristic of all his writings. This first violin sonata is bright and life-loving. It also comes from the generosity of colors, and at the same time by the strict elegance of style. In this first violin sonata, the intonational ingenuity of the composer is especially pronounced. The merging of heterogeneous flows, which are always present in his work, takes place here in the mainstream of Western European forms, which dictates new conditions for solving a creative task. Comparing the composer's early works with those written later, we see very significant evolutionary shifts in his work, speaking of tireless searches in the choice of themes and expressive means. Another feature of this sonata is the pithiness of all components - melody, harmony, timbre, and polyphony. Eshpai's Sonata is strong precisely in the fusion of the dancing principle and cantilism, which permeates all voices, starting with the theme and ending with the briefest accompanimenting backstage.

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PDF format sheet music

Instrument part: 7 pages. 867 K


Piano part: 25 pages. 1936 K


Eshpai - Violin sonata N1 - Instrument part - first page Eshpai - Violin sonata N1 - Piano part - first page
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