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Falla Manuel - Spanish suite (Suite Espagnole) for violin

Falla Manuel - Suite Populaire Espagnole for violin. You can download the PDF sheet music Falla Manuel - Suite Populaire Espagnole for violin on this page. Siete canciones populares españolas ("Seven Spanish Folksongs") is a 1914 set of traditional Spanish songs by the composer Manuel de Falla. Besides being Falla's most-arranged composition and one of his most popular, it is one of the most frequently performed sets of Spanish-language art songs. The set was dedicated to Madame Ida Godebska. The styles and provenance of the songs are strikingly diverse. They are from different parts of Spain: an asturiana is from Asturias, in the north; the seguidilla, a type of flamenco, from Murcia, in the southeast. "Nana" is a lullaby, and "Polo" a wild desire for revenge on an unfaithful lover.

Violin part edition by Paul Kochanski.

  1. El paño moruno (The Moorish Cloth)
  2. Nana
  3. Canción
  4. Polo
  5. Asturiana
  6. Jota

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PDF format sheet music

Instrument part: 6 pages. 2661 K


Piano part: 24 pages. 8148 K


Falla Manuel - Suite Populaire Espagnole for violin - Instrument part - first page Falla Manuel - Suite Populaire Espagnole for violin - Piano part - first page
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