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Godowsky - Avowal for violin

Godowsky - Avowal for violin. You can download the PDF sheet music Godowsky - Avowal for violin on this page. Avowal for violin by Leopold Godowsky is a violin transcription of one of his "4 poems". It was arranged for violin and piano, 1929. It is interesting, that the only pieces that Godowsky wrote for instruments other than the piano are works for violin and piano. Godowsky transcribed two of these Waltz-Poems for violin and piano, as well as for piano two hands.

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PDF format sheet music

Instrument part: 2 pages. 792 K


Piano part: 10 pages. 1103 K


Godowsky - Avowal for violin - Instrument part - first page Godowsky - Avowal for violin - Piano part - first page
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