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Khachaturian - Sonata - Monologue for solo violin

Khachaturian - Sonata - Monologue for solo violin. You can download the PDF sheet music Khachaturian - Sonata - Monologue for solo violin on this page. Sonata-Monologue for solo violin by Aram Khachaturian is an extraordinary piece, very characteristic of Khachaturian, and best suited to advanced violinists with an enchanced technique. All folkloric aspects of Khachaturyan style can be found there. This solo sonata was composed in 1975 for the Soviet-born violinist Viktor Pikaizen. Khachaturyan was clearly inspired in this violin sonata by the idea of the violinist as a lonely bard (Armenian "ashug"). This is a single-movement sonata with a lot of alternations, interesting character rhythms and special violin sound effects. The music passes through a sea of emotions, to the end in a unresolved coda, as the image of a lone bard, still singing far away.

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Instrument part: 14 pages. 2740 K



Khachaturian - Sonata - Monologue for solo violin - Instrument part - first page
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Khachaturian, Aram, was a Soviet composer. He moved to Moscow in 1921 and enrolled in the Gnesin Music Academy, where he studied cello and composition. He continued his studies at the Moscow Conservatory, where he worked with Miaskovsky. Most of his compositions were  successful and were warmly praised by Shostakovich. In 1948 Khachaturian was one of the prominent Soviet composers, along with Prokofiev and Shostakovich, who came under attack for formalistic trend; he traveled then to Armenia, where he wrote folk songs. His later works include the solo sonatas for unaccompanied cello, violin, and viola, considered his second and third instrumental trilogies.
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