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Corelli - Violin Sonata N1 D-dur

Corelli - Violin Sonata N1 D-dur. You can download the PDF sheet music Corelli - Violin Sonata N1 D-dur on this page. The violin sonatas are outstanding for their beauty of sonority, formal clarity and expressive melodic language. They are composed in a wholly violinistic style, unburdened by excessive technical demands, and this was an important factor in their exceptional popularity and their international dissemination. The sheer number of editions — over 40 during the 18th century — bears witness to that. Furthermore, credit must be given to Corelli's pupils, who included Francesco Geminiani, Pietro Locatelli, Francesco Maria Veracini and Giovanni Battista Somis, for the growth and persistence of his influence in the violin schools of Europe.

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Instrument part: 5 pages. 611 K


Piano part: 11 pages. 1125 K


Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page
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