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Corelli - Violin Sonata N4 F-dur

Corelli - Violin Sonata N4 F-dur. You can download the PDF sheet music Corelli - Violin Sonata N4 F-dur on this page. The underlying psychological element in this Corelli's violin sonata was delight in variety and change, the pleasure of exciting surprise and admiration. There was undoubtedly a danger that the emphasis on ornamentation could become too great. The virtuoso interpreter made his embellishments as elaborate as he could, in order to show off his technical brilliance to the greatest effect. Many musicians and music theorists of the 18th century condemned this bad habit and warned of its dangers. There can be no doubt that the tendency to overburden and finally distort works with ornament was one of the reasons why composers like Couperin and Bach began to indicate the precise ornamentation they wanted, either using special signs or writing it out in full.

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Instrument part: 4 pages. 446 K


Piano part: 10 pages. 1028 K


Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page
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