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Corelli - Folia for violin and piano (David)

Corelli - Folia for violin and piano (David). You can download the PDF sheet music Corelli - Folia for violin and piano (David) on this page. The terms "sonata da chiesa" and "sonata da camera", indicating the intended place of performance, became customary in Italy during the first half of the 17th century, but there are no hard and fast distinctions between the types of content, as is illustrated by the existence of titles like the one Tarquinio Merula gave his collection Canzoni overo Sonate concertate per chiesa e camera (Venice, 1637). It was Corelli who established the definitive form of the sonata da chiesa, which was quickly acknowledged and adopted by contemporaries like Torelli, Antonio Veracini, Albinoni and others.

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Instrument part: 6 pages. 1104 K


Piano part: 15 pages. 1494 K


Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page
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