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Lalo - Violin concerto F-dur, Op.20

Lalo - Violin concerto F-dur, Op.20. You can download the PDF sheet music Lalo - Violin concerto F-dur, Op.20 on this page. In 1873 Lalo met Pablo de Sarasate. The encounter prompted Lalo to compose the Concerto In F Op. 20 for the distinguished violinist, who gave the first performance in 1874. If the enormous success of the occasion was due in no small part to the reputation of the soloist, It would be unfair to deprive Lalo of his share of the credit, as sometimes happens. For the concerto is no empty virtuoso vehicle.

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Instrument part: 15 pages. 1053 K


Piano part: 35 pages. 2560 K


Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page
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The first movement, a delightful Andante leading Into an Allegro, is longer than the other two put together, and In the dialogue passages the orchestra is a true partner rather than simply a foil to the solo violin. The relationship is made clear right from the start as the low, violent opening chords create an atmosphere of darkness which the soloist strives constantly to coax towards light. Lalo attains high levels of stylistic effectiveness and sheer musical beauty In this work, not only through the subtlety of his writing but also through his concern for clarity and for contrasts of sonority, tone and rhythm. The same can be said of the fine Andantino: here as melodic expression flows from the superbly contrasted colours of a long recitative, Lalo again manifests a delicacy and discretion which preclude sentimentality. Such melodic artistry is typically French: beautiful, subtle and free from all conscious artifice. The Andantino is perhaps the most successful part of the whole work and, indeed, one of the most accomplished, well-made movements of Its time. The Allegro con fuoco finale sweeps the works onwards to its conclusion without eccentricity or ostentation, but with a masterful display of virtuosity, vigour and rhythmic intensity.
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