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Leclair - Violin Sonata for two violins op.3

Leclair - Violin Sonata for two violins op.3. You can download the PDF sheet music Leclair - Violin Sonata for two violins op.3 on this page. Throughout these twelve sonatas, Leclair skilfully maintains interest and variety in a form that could easily prove austere; often, as In Bach's music for unaccompanied violin or cello, we have the impression of hearing three, four or even five voices, thanks to the use of multiple stops. He achieves a perfect synthesis of the restrained French style with the exuberance and display associated with his Italian contemporaries. In the second sonata of Op.3, for example, the outer movements could easily come from a concerto by Vivaldi, while the central Sarabande, sedate and decorous with its slow trills, is in the great tradition of Luily and Couperin. harmony of this work of art & many other composer's specialities..

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Instrument part: 22 pages. 3038 K


Piano part: Missed


Leclair - Violin Sonata for two violins op.3 - Instrument part - First page Leclair - Violin Sonata for two violins op.3 - Piano part - First page
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The "Italian taste" for the violin began to assert itself in France at the end of the 17th century; before then, it had been disdained as an instrument fit only for dancing. But no one before Leclair had written music that really made use of the special technical effects of which the instrument is capable: multiple stops, arpeggios, staccatos, rapid repeated notes and so on. All of these can be heard in Leclair's two books of Sonatas for Two Violins without Bass, published in 1730 (op.3) and 1746 (op.12), although the second set was probably composed around the same time as the first.
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