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Leman - Sonata for violin solo

Leman - Sonata for violin solo. You can download the PDF sheet music Leman - Sonata for violin solo on this page. Sonata for violin solo by Albert Lehmann was written in 1976. Lehman's idea was to create a deeply national musical composition. The author has studied well the peculiarities of the Tatar folk song, truly felt and conveyed in this sonata for solo violin. Realizing the features of the Tatar folk musical art, Leman simultaneously relied on the immortal traditions of the Russian musical classics. The violin solo sonata by A.Leman has a number of valuable features. For example, the optimism of the content, the nationality of the musical language, based simultaneously on the Russian musical classics, a successful interpretation of the solo violin part. Sonata for solo violin became a significant event in the musical life of Soviet Tatar Republic, enriching its national musical heritage.

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Instrument part: 10 pages. 1728 K



Leman - Sonata for violin solo - Instrument part - first page
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