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Massnet - Meditation for violin and piano

Massnet - Meditation for violin and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Massnet - Meditation for violin and piano on this page. Another party-piece of drawing-room violinists is the Méditation from Thaïs (1894) which comes before Act 2, Scene 2 of the opera, played with the curtain down and listened to, Massenet hoped, in prayerful silence. This 'Andante religioso', during which the courtesan, touched by grace, becomes newly virginal, can be moving in the theatre. Its modulations and melodic instability will always interest performers. But taken out of its context, its ecstatic soaring and excessive sweetness can make it seem rather like an offertory piece for a first communion mass.

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Instrument part: 1 pages. 135 K


Piano part: 4 pages. 420 K


Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page
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