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Poulenc - Violin sonata

Poulenc - Violin sonata. You can download the PDF sheet music Poulenc - Violin sonata on this page. Francis Poulenc composed his violin sonata between 1942 and 1943, when he was living in Paris. It is dedicated to the memory of Federico Garcia Lorca, the Spanish poet. The sonata was first performed by the composer with the violinist Ginette Neveu, and became a regular item In their programs together. In 1949, following her untimely death in an air crash, he revised the last movement, and it is this version that is performed in this recording. Poulenc was a traditionalist. He had tried writing for the violin before, but had set aside three attempts.

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Instrument part: 11 pages. 454 K


Piano part: 35 pages. 1683 K


Poulenc - Violin sonata - Instrument part - first page Poulenc - Violin sonata - Piano part - first page
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With little introduction, violin and piano present an opening statement filled with nervous energy, but this soon gives way to two typically seductive melodies, the first performed briefly by the piano; the second, in more extended form, by the violin. The first theme returns in a broader, grander context, only to be replaced by yet another melody line that, typical of Poulenc, conveys a nostalgic longing. The second movement is a tender cantilena, delicately colored and slightly Spanish in atmosphere, that owes much to the music of Ravel. Presto tragico, the heading of the final movement, Is Poulenc's indication of the sonata's dedication. The first part, however, has piano and violin apparently going separate ways, occasionally exchanging melody lines in music that suggests the easy-going humor of a Parisian boulevardier - another typical Poulenc trademark. However, this lightness of touch is abruptly erased in the final pages of the work when, unannounced, the listener is suddenly confronted with music of genuine tragedy and sorrow - you can almost hear the gunshots that brought about the poet's death.
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