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Schnittke - Violin Concerto N4 op.177

Schnittke - Violin Concerto N4 op.177. You can download the PDF sheet music Schnittke - Violin Concerto N4 op.177 on this page. Fourth Schnittke's Violin Concerto was commissioned by the Berlin Festival and is dedicated to Gidon Kremer.  Two beautiful plush melodies (one recurring throughout the piece, the other appearing in the third movement as a false resolution) are no more than what I might call two painted corpses. On a few occasions - notably in the Cadenza visuale in the second movement - there is risk a glance behind the veil that normally shields us from the hypnotising silent world beyond music, the world of the toneless sound (otherwise known as the rest).

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Instrument part: Missed


Orchestral score: 109 pages. 47464 K


Schnittke - Violin Concerto N4 op.177 - Instrument part - first page Schnittke - Violin Concerto N4 op.177 - Piano part - first page



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