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Saint-Saens - Dance macabre for violin op.40

Saint-Saens - Dance macabre for violin op.40. You can download the PDF sheet music Saint-Saens - Dance macabre for violin op.40 on this page. With Saint-Saens, romantic inspiration is integrated into the classical mould. The Danse macabre (1874), a Lisztian symphonic poem, makes use of all the usual 'fantastic' elements (midnight, the idea of the ghostly dance, cockcrow dispelling the phantoms of the night) and holds them impeccably in balance, with a dash of humour. The solo violin plays the part of the spectral fiddler, parodying the Dies irae in a jaunty measure for sprightly skeletons (graphically portrayed by the xylophone), leading to a diquieting, morose waltz: the implacable movement of the round-dance is here pushed to its extreme and takes on a terrifying tone.

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Instrument part: 5 pages. 492 K


Piano part: 15 pages. 1531 K


Saint-Saens - Dance macabre for violin op.40 - Instrument part - First page Saint-Saens - Dance macabre for violin op.40 - Piano part - First page
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