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Sevcik - Preparatory Trill Studies op.7 for violin

Sevcik - Preparatory Trill Studies op.7 for violin. You can download the PDF sheet music Sevcik - Preparatory Trill Studies op.7 for violin on this page. Books 1 and 2 inside. The practice of the trill should be included in the daily technical work of the Violin Student, not only for the trill itself, but also for promoting the development of accurate and reliable finger-action in general.
The difficulty in obtaining a clear and ringing trill is increased, in most cases, by a faulty position of the hand and fingers, which may be corrected if the student will faithfully observe the following instructions.
Before beginning to play the exercise the fingers should be placed on the tones indicated by black note- heads, and, after having made sure of their true intonation, the fingers should be kept on the strings for at least one minute, during which time the student's eyes should be fixed upon his hand and fingers. When ready to start the exercise, the fingers should leave the strings without changing the position in which they were kept while on the tones indicated.
Practise the trill slowly, with close attention to the evenness of the finger-movement, and test the tone- quality and clarity of the trill in piano and even pianissimo.
To retain the fingers in their places as indicated by the line following the fingerwork is of the greatest importance, and the student should be convinced that only by following these instructions can full benefit be derived from these exercises.
NOTE.—These preparatory Trill Exercises should be given to students as soon as they are ready to begin the study of the first book of Kayser's Op. 20.

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Instrument part: 85 pages. 12880 K


Sevcik - Preparatory Trill Studies op.7 for violin - Instrument part - first page
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