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Schubert - Sonatina for violin, Op.137 N1

Schubert - Sonatina for violin, Op.137 N1. You can download the PDF sheet music Schubert - Sonatina for violin, Op.137 N1 on this page. Only the first of the so-called Sonatinas, the one in D major, warrants this name on account both of its monothematic first Allegro - whose development section is barely 32 bars long - and, in the last two movements, the juvenile and even academic borrowings from Mozart (which have been given a Schubertian flavour with the use of dotted rhythms and a number of chromatic slides of harmony). The writing itself is often canonic, and is reminiscent of Haydn's string quartets, which the composer must have played time and time again with his family.

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Instrument part: 6 pages. 648 K


Piano part: 14 pages. 1658 K


Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page
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