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Schubert - Violin sonata Op.162

Schubert - Violin sonata Op.162. You can download the PDF sheet music Schubert - Violin sonata Op.162 on this page. Schubert's pieces for piano and violin belong to two distinct periods in his short life. There is first of all a collection of Three Sonatas for piano with violin accompaniment (the title speaks volumes for the role played by the string instrument!), composed in the spring of 1816 for his brother Ferdinand, who requested two further concertante works; when the sonatas were published twenty years later by Diabelli, the latter, as was his wont, changed their name to Sonatinas. There remains the enigmatic case of the Sonata in A major (D.574) which was composed in August 1817; nothing is known of the occasion for which it was written, and it was only in 1851 that Diabelli published it under the fictitious title of Duo. It may be that, alongside the concertante Polonaise (D.580), it was intended as a final piece in the set composed for Ferdinand.

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Instrument part: 9 pages. 1090 K


Piano part: 20 pages. 2714 K


Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page
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