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Stamitz - Violin concerto in B - flat

Stamitz - Violin concerto in B - flat. You can download the PDF sheet music Stamitz - Violin concerto in B - flat on this page. Carl Stamitz (1745 - 1801) was another representative of the age of gallant music. He may well be the most prominent composer of the second generation of Manhgeim school. He took his first lessons of music from his father, Johann Stamitz, himself a composer of great renown and leader of the Manhgeim orchestra, probably the best orchestra in Europe at the time. Stamitz toured many countries of Europe. He appeared as virtuoso viola soloist at the concerts at the court of Williamy of Orange. Stamitz left after himself a great musical heritage. He composed many symphonies, quartets, instrumental concertos including most interesting works for string instruments, and, of course, for violin. This violin concerto has three parts: Allegro, Adagio and Rondo. Violin part edition by Paul Klengel.

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Instrument part: 10 pages. 7201 K


Piano part: 19 pages. 13868 K


Stamitz - Violin concerto in B - flat - Instrument part - first page Stamitz - Violin concerto in B - flat - Piano part - first page
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