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Svendsen - Violin concerto op.6

Svendsen - Violin concerto op.6. You can download the PDF sheet music Svendsen - Violin concerto op.6 on this page. The Violin Concerto, opus 6, was written in Paris and completed by J. Svendsen in Leipzig in June 1870. It is dedicated to the violin teacher he studied with in Leipzig, Ferdinand David. The first performance was entrusted to Robert Heckmann and took place on the 6th of February 1872 in Leipzig. The concerto could be heard for the first time in November of the same year in Oslo with Johan Svendsen himself conducting. The violin concerto is characterized by Johan Svendsen's thorough familiarity with the violin and his eminent abilities as an orchestrator. The orchestra plays a prominent role, somewhat at the expense of the solo part, which contains more melodic material than actual acrobatics on the violin, which is perhaps one of the reasons why the violin concerto has never really been a favourite with soloists. But this conception is Johan Svendsen's - he despised everything that could be regarded as superficial, empty playing to the gallery.

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Violin part: 18 pages. 1098 K


Piano part: 39 pages. 4676 K


Svendsen - Violin concerto op.6 - Violin part - first page Svendsen - Violin concerto op.6 - Piano part - first page
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