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Wieniawski - Brilliant polonaise Op.4 - for violin and piano

Wieniawski - Brilliant polonaise Op.4 - for violin and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Wieniawski - Brilliant polonaise Op.4 - for violin and piano on this page. Première polonaise de concert in D major Op. 4, dedicated to the violin virtuoso and composer Karol Lipinski (1790-1861), dates back to around 1852. Even though the piccc belongs to Wieniawski's early period, it is an exquisitely-crafted composition. Its slow movement (in B minor) and the Piu lento (in B flat major) arc vivid proofs that already early in his life Wieniawski was equally keen to develop an ability to write gentle, graceful and somewhat affectionate music as he was eager to polish his virtuoso skills.

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Instrument part: 3 pages. 252 K


Piano part: 3 pages. 252 K


Wieniawski - Brilliant polonaise Op.4 - for violin and piano - Instrument part - first page Wieniawski - Brilliant polonaise Op.4 - for violin and piano - Piano part - first page
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